A Few Tips on the Timing of Plastic Surgery | When to Plan Your Plastic Surgery in Minneapolis

A Few Tips on the Timing of Your Plastic Surgery

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Electing When to Get Plastic Surgery

One of the luxuries of elective plastic surgery is that there’s no rush. The time frame for surgery, ultimately, is up to you and your surgeon. You can delay the procedure for several months, several years, or you can jump right in, depending on your and your surgeon’s schedule!

Some patients choose to have their aesthetic surgery procedure(s) in the summer, as their “busy times” are during the remainder of the year (think educators, seasonal jobs focusing on winter, etc.). Other patients prefer to have their surgery during the winter months, leaving the rest of their year available for certain avocational or job activities. There are certainly advantages to planning your plastic surgery procedure to take place during specific times of the year, tailored to your own work, social, or recreational activities. The key here, is that there is no one best time for every patient, but certainly there is a best time for you.

Ultimately, the timing of your scheduled surgery does not diminish the results of the procedure, since our American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeons work throughout the entire year, and our patients are equally thrilled with their results whether they have plastic surgery in December or July.

Popularity of Injectables

For those patients who want to avoid surgical procedures during certain times of the year, there are always non-surgical options that can help you look good until you are ready to proceed with surgery. These can include such non-invasive procedures as Botox or dermal filler injections. Botox or dermal filler injections can be accomplished in a matter of minutes, and have virtually no down time. Although injections can rarely cause a tiny bruise or two in occasional individuals, avoiding aspirin and ibuprofen products two weeks before undergoing these treatments usually avoids these concerns. If this does occur, it is generally minimal, and can usually be covered with standard makeup in most cases.

Other than the day of injection (we recommend no exercise or facial massage/treatment on the day of injection) there is no real down time associated with Botox or other injectables. Patients get to resume their daily lives immediately. This means that there’s no interruption of work, exercise, or social plans, regardless of what they may entail. And since the results from these non-surgical options last several months, you can look good right up to the desired time of year for your chosen surgical operation.

The First Step is Always a Consultation

Since we perform numerous aesthetic operations throughout the entire year, the best time for you to consider proceeding with cosmetic surgery is whatever time is best for your schedule, recovery, or assistance at home or work. You can always schedule a consultation with one of our ABPS-certified plastic surgeons at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery to get the process started. Together, you’ll determine the best course of action, as well as timing, to achieve your desired results with the timing that is best for you. Feel free to call 763-545-0443 for a complimentary consultation with one of our plastic surgeons!

© Dr. Richard H. Tholen, MD


Botoxdermal fillersplastic surgery timingtiming of plastic surgery

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