Facelift Surgery (Rhytidectomy)
When choosing a plastic surgeon to operate on your face, it is important to keep in mind that a precise and technically advanced operation that provides a natural “not-too-tight” look is usually best. No one wants a tightly-pulled, “wind tunnel,” or unnatural-looking face with unsightly visible scars and distorted anatomy. Some potential face lift patients are fearful of general anesthesia. Coincidentally, this is what attracts some patients to the idea that a “lunchtime,” mini-lift, “Threadlift,” or “Lifestyle Lift” might give good results with local anesthesia, less downtime, bruising, or cost. (As you might guess, this typically falls in the “too-good-to-be-true” category. It should also be noted that as of March 2015, Lifestyle Lift, a national chain of face lift centers, was closed its doors and filed for bankruptcy.)
At Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, our ABPS-certified plastic surgeons’ goal is not to drastically change your appearance, but rather to make the best of each patient’s existing attractive features by creating a natural, more-rested, alert, and more-youthful appearance (that still looks like a more refreshed and youthful you). We also strive for natural results that hold-up as long as possible, even as time, aging, and individual genetics continue. Optimal results are almost never achievable via small incisions or local anesthesia “brand-name,” trademarked, “quick lift-type,” barbed suture techniques, or mini-facelift operations. Local anesthesia, local anesthesia with sedation (“twilight anesthesia”), or anesthesia options other than “General anesthesia” are often marketed to patients who fear “going to sleep.” These partially-awake operations are often much more scary than a properly-performed TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia) where the patient is completely asleep, yet without the slow wake-up, “hangover,” or nausea and vomiting of standard gas general anesthesia. Plus, a partially awake patient’s surgery often has compromises that yield less-satisfactory outcomes, or results that are unnatural and do not last.
Lasting Improvement and Natural Looking Results
Patients with facial aging are sometimes reluctant to consider face lift surgery, for a multitude of reasons. Some think only wealthy movie stars can afford the best face lift surgery (yet so many seem to have such poor results that prospective patients may think “If this is ‘the best’ then I’m out!”). Others fear the nausea or vomiting associated with general anesthesia, prolonged recovery, or visible scars. This does NOT have to be the case!
Click here to see our Facelift before and after photos!
What you and every face lift patient wants is lasting improvement without over-tightening, rejuvenation without visible or tell-tale scars, avoidance of distortion of normal anatomy like earlobes or hairlines, and a more rejuvenated and youthful look without friends and acquaintances asking “What happened to you?” You probably are already aware of examples from Hollywood, Beverly Hills, or Park Avenue of face lift patients that are over-tightened, over-done, or just plain unnatural. In short, what you really want is what we offer at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, LTD.—patient-customized state-of-the-art face lift procedures that can provide stunningly-pleasing improvements in your facial appearance. With nearly invisible scars and natural results. With experienced anesthesia protocols (TIVA) that have virtually no nausea or vomiting, especially compared to “standard” hospital or hospital-run surgicenter inhalation (gas) anesthesia. And with reasonable cost. Each patient has facial features that may need addressing, from the neck to the chin and jowl areas, the cheeks and cheekbone regions, as well as the eyelids, brows, and forehead. (Nose surgery—rhinoplasty—is another facial feature that may warrant plastic surgical attention, and this too may be combined with face lift surgery in select cases.)
Many of these facial areas can be addressed at one operation, but some patients request that only certain areas be improved. Our American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeons will listen to your goals, examine your facial features, and recommend an operative plan to best achieve your optimum outcome. You can decide if all, or parts, of the surgical options are for you—without pressure or guilt. Your confidentiality is enhanced by our discreet patient care in our nationally-accredited (QUAD A, formerly AAAASF) on-site surgical facility. This section will discuss state-of-the-art face lift surgery. Your results will help you understand why Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, LTD. is one of the best-kept secrets of cosmetic facelift surgery in the country!
Candidates for Face Lift Surgery
If you find yourself looking in the mirror and pulling your skin upwards to smooth and tighten the jaw line, to decrease the depth of the folds around the nose and mouth, or to minimize the loose skin and fat in the jowls, chin, and under-neck area, you are a potential candidate for face lift surgery.
You should be in good general health, a non-smoker, and not on blood thinners or aspirin. Your family physician will need to perform a pre-operative physical (as with any elective surgical procedure) to ensure you are a suitable candidate for anesthesia and surgery.
What is Face lift?
Face lift (rhytidectomy–“rhytid = wrinkle; ectomy = removal”) is a surgical operation which smooths and tightens the loose skin and muscles of your face and neck, reducing the most apparent signs of aging or weight loss in these areas and giving you a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance. Skin-only tightening does not give as natural or long-lasting results as dual-layer deeper tissue tightening, facial fat sculpting , and then tightening the skin layer. This operation reduces the depth and severity of the creases around the nose and mouth, the slacking jaw line, and sagging jowls. Excess fat from the neck and chin areas is removed, underlying muscles are tightened, and the skin is redraped (without excessive “pulling” or distortion) on the face and neck. Although a face lift cannot give you a completely new appearance, it can give you a younger, fresher look and have a positive effect on your self-esteem and confidence.
Tell-tale signs of poorly-performed face lifts include wide, unsightly, or poorly-positioned scars, excessive tightness pulling the corners of your mouth, “pixie earlobes,” or distorted or scarred hairlines. Distortion of the tragus or ear canal is often seen in face lift patients whose surgeon tried to conceal this area of the facelift incision (and failed, with commonly-seen distortion of the normal ear anatomy). Dr. Richard Tholen and Dr. Douglas Gervais have over 60 years of combined experience in providing innovative face lift procedures tailored to the specific cosmetic concerns of each individual patient, not fads or “name-brand” (too-good-to-be-true) operations that are long on hype and short on results!
Fine lines (“smoker’s lines” or lipstick bleed lines) around the mouth, “crepey” skin around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), or skin surface sun damage are not corrected by face lift surgery (any variety), but these areas of concern can be addressed by other or additional techniques at the same time or after face/neck surgery.
Face Lift Techniques
It seems that every few years there is some “cosmetic surgeon” (often not a fully-trained ABPS-certified plastic surgeon) somewhere who is offering a “breakthrough” in face lift surgery—variations in actual face lift operations, such as the “S-lift,” the “Lifestyle-lift,” the “Quicklift,” and mini-face lifts with shorter incisions and supposedly quicker recovery, or, more recently, the ThreadLift™, Featherlift®, Rejuvalift®, or other such barbed-suture techniques. Then there are the procedures that claim facial rejuvenation without surgery such as Thermage®, GentleWaves®, Fotofacial™, and others. Ultherapy (focused ultrasound) or RF (radio frequency) energy treatments can provide minor degrees of skin improvement, but cannot achieve anything close to proper facelift outcomes.There are also laser procedures that claim results equal to or better than actual face lift surgery, though laser energies can only treat the very top skin layers. These latter options are designed to appeal to those patients who want improvements without surgery, usually because of fears about anesthesia, bad scars, or surgery itself, whereas the former attract those patients who know they require some sort of surgical procedure but are hoping to reduce the scarring, recovery, cost, or risk (and are susceptible to “celebrity spokesperson” advertising).
Unfortunately, these natural “fears” create unrealistic hopes and unsupported expectations that “feed” gullible patients right into those doctors or practices (many of them non-plastic surgeons) that offer “more for less.” We often see those patients later, when their actual experience turns out to have been “less for more” and we are now asked to correct or improve upon what failed elsewhere. Some inadequate-result patients can have the improvement they desired with a properly-performed revision facelift/necklift procedure, but while some scars can be removed or revised, improper position of scars or distorted anatomy cannot always be corrected. Improvement may be possible, but a clean slate is the safest starting point for the most natural results.
Most intelligent consumers understand that whenever you try to get something for nothing, or more accurately, more improvement for less cost, scarring, recovery, risk, etc., you are generally buying into marketing hype that is long on promise and short on delivery. Yet, in this age of science and innovation, even intelligent consumers can be deceived by procedures or practitioners that use special sutures, “brand-named” proprietary techniques, lasers, LED lights, or pseudo-scientific “snake oil.” Unfortunately, rather than improve the procedure to live up to the promise, what some practitioners do is raise the cost to justify the uniqueness or supposed desirability of the “breakthrough” technique or “trademarked” process, but what is actually enhanced is the feeling of disappointment and loss when the results fail to live up to the hype (and costs)! Add to this the additional time and expense of correcting or redoing the failed or inadequate procedure, and you can see why reputable surgeons decry those who promise much but deliver little.
Face lift at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery
At Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, LTD. in Minnesota, we have mastered multiple advanced face lift surgery techniques and continue to refine and redefine what works best and gives the most natural results for each unique patient’s needs and goals. It’s not that the above-mentioned procedures and techniques don’t work at all. Each of them does give some degree of improvement with respect to cost, risk, scarring, or recovery time. It’s just that they typically deliver less than desired, hoped for, and paid for, while still requiring surgery, some form of anesthesia (usually less than completely asleep and therefore painful, but touted as “superior”), and more down time than bargained for!
Our belief is that even “minor surgery” is still “real surgery,” and even minimal risks and low cost do not justify doing anything less than the best possible option(s) for your face lift surgery. Put another way, if you are considering a facelift (whether it’s relatively “early” and the requested changes less dramatic, or somewhat “later” when the improvements are more visible), it’s better to do it thoroughly and correctly rather than ending up having to do it again to fix a problem, or to get the improvement you really wanted in the first place.
In our own evaluation of each of these new technologies or “improvements” in technique, we critically evaluate the details to determine what works and what doesn’t, and what fails to deliver or is just plain risky. We also strive to implement procedures and protocols that maximize results while limiting touch-up surgery or revisions. Our American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeons have the complete training in plastic surgery that non-plastic surgery-trained “cosmetic surgeons” do not; these doctors may be “board-certified” in specialties that have little or nothing to do with plastic surgery, and their cosmetic surgery training may consist of weekend courses or time with other non-plastic surgeons. ABPS-certified plastic surgeons spend 6-10 years of complete full-time surgery and plastic surgery training after graduation from medical school to learn all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery, including cosmetic surgery of the entire body. Many ABPS-certified plastic surgeons, including both Dr. Richard H. Tholen and Dr. Douglas L. Gervais, have taken additional training in facial surgery, breast surgery, laser surgery, and advanced liposuction techniques beyond their complete plastic surgical fellowship and American Board of Plastic Surgery certification.
Being Board-certified in specialties other than Plastic Surgery does not guarantee training, competence, or expertise in cosmetic surgery, though it is “legal” for doctors with other training to perform operations for which they may have little or no formal training! Click for more information about Board Certification in Plastic Surgery and its importance.
We would encourage you to see one of our ABPS-certified* plastic surgeons for a complimentary face lift consultation to discuss your wishes, your ideas, and anything you may have heard elsewhere. With a combined aesthetic plastic surgery experience of over 60 years in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area, Dr. Douglas L. Gervais, and Dr. Richard H. Tholen are absolutely comfortable discussing the pros and cons of each and every option, including our own surgical recommendations, during your consultation. Should you choose face lift surgery, you will receive treatment based on individualized examination and expert assessment. Our reputation has been earned with patient-by-patient results, referral by colleague physicians and previous patients, and actual outcomes that both surgeon and patient can be proud of. Both Dr. Tholen and Dr. Gervais have been voted (by other metropolitan doctors and nurses) as “Top Doctors” in Plastic Surgery for the regional Minneapolis / St. Paul Magazine for each year of the past decade.
Incisions (and better scars)
Properly-placed face lift incisions are designed to hide in the normal folds and contours around the ear, extending from the scalp near the temple area, around the back of the ear, and then into the scalp high behind the ear to avoid visibility when healed (or when your hair style is “up” or in a ponytail). Since all incisions create permanent scars, choosing incision placement carefully is the first step in achieving a superior facelift result.
We frequently see facelift patients from other practices where incision placement creates permanent scars that are visible crossing the mastoid area of the neck just behind the ears, and then extend along the lower hairline. Less-than-precise suture technique or poor healing can also leave de-pigmented (white) wide scars with visible crosshatch marks, pulled and distorted earlobes, and blunted, scarred, and pulled-forward tragi (plural of tragus–the small cartilage bump in front of the ear canals). With poor incision placement and lack of precise technique, the small natural indentation just in front of the ear at the junction of the cheek and ear is often pulled abnormally taut, and this looks weird, just like the damaged tragus, or pulled-tight “pixie” earlobe. These visible poor-facelift scar deformities are all avoidable!
Deep layer support (better and longer-lasting results)
Support for the face skin or underlying facial muscles is not achieved by suturing the cheek skin to the earlobe, as this mobile structure cannot anchor or support tension from the skin or deep tissues. This type of poorly-designed face lift closure pulls the earlobe forward and abnormally low, leaving a widened visible scar in front of the earlobe, as well as an unnaturally-pulled “pixie” earlobe. Careful attachment of the deep-plane SMAS tissues to the temporal and mastoid fascia with soft, non-dissolving sutures not only gives long-lasting deep tissue support and lifting, but also allows healing of the skin incisions without tension and with the least-visible scars. We also preserve the normal tragal anatomy in front of the ear canal, avoiding blunting and more-visible scarring that are “tip-offs” of having had a (suboptimal) face lift!
Our face lift procedures do not just tighten skin only—the deep-plane tissue layers are also tightened as described above, using soft, non-dissolving sutures to secure the SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System—or the fascia that covers the facial muscles) and the platysma (neck muscle) fascia to the temporal and mastoid fascias respectively. These deeper, dual-plane sutures produce less tension on the skin flaps, increase longevity of the cosmetic improvement (how long the face lift “lasts”), and reduce tension on the skin closure, reducing visible surface scarring. Though many surgeons will tell you that “skin-only” face lifts are “just as good” as dual-plane, deep-plane, or SMAS face lifts, there are several studies in the peer-reviewed plastic surgical literature that refute this erroneous claim. Skillfully-placed deep sutures don’t add much in the way of risk or time expenditure in the operating room, but can yield major improvements in the quality of the overall facelift result, not to mention improving how long it lasts! Since every patient’s skin elasticity and collagen content is different (as well as their genetics of aging, healing, and scarring), every patient’s face lift results will “last” for differing periods of time–precisely why it is so important to maximize that length of time via the enhanced techniques that we utilize at MPS.
Even deeper “Deep-plane” facelifts have been touted by some doctors as better (?longer-lasting) or safer (below the facial nerves that control movement), and reputable plastic surgeons have used and promoted this type of facelift procedure for many years since first popularized by Dr. Sam Hamra in 1990. This goes deeper than the SMAS (the facial fascia that overlies the parotid gland and extends to the temporal fascia above and the platysma muscle fascia in the neck), and is designed to divide deeper ligaments that support the face and give more tightening (?better) and less tension on the skin. Our experience with this type of facelift is that the ligamentous structures closer to the skull don’t really “droop” or sag as we age, it’s the more superficial layers. Plus, this type of facelift usually has much more and slower-to-resolve facial swelling, which (pretty much) invalidates the supposed improvement in tightening achieved.
SMAS–the deep (but not too deep) layer that really allows the best of both worlds: not skin only, and yet deep enough to give longer-lasting results with the best skin rejuvenation possible.
Tissue glue–(less bleeding and bruising lead to faster recovery)
One of the newest innovations in face lift procedures at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, LTD. involves the use of topical thrombin human fibrin sealant (“natural tissue glue”) to adhere the facial skin flaps to the underlying deeper tissues after they have been lifted and repositioned. Use of this product helps speed healing by providing immediate tissue adherence, and eliminating the potential space under the facial skin flaps where blood or fluid can accumulate. Less bruising, swelling, and lumpiness in the healing tissues are noted, and we have been excited to see better results more quickly after surgery.
Refinement under the chin–(smoother jawline and neck area)
A small incision under the chin allows the fat in this area to be removed and the underlying neck muscles to be tightened and smoothed, rejuvenating one of the most important areas to be addressed in the face lift/neck lift patient. Every face lift patient will have his or her neck area treated at the same time as face lift; in some patients this is the main area of concern. Isolated neck lift (Platysmaplasty), or lower facelift procedures can be performed without the “rest of a facelift” in selected patients as appropriate.
Another “Oh, you had a face lift” giveaway is incision placement that changes or interrupts hairlines or hair growth. Careful planning, exact incision placement, and precision closure techniques can keep tell-tale scars or hairline alterations to a minimum, allowing short or “up” hairstyles to be worn rather than forcing you to always wear your hair down or long to hide scars. Additional considerations are made for men who request face lift/neck lift procedures, as their shorter hairstyles and beard/sideburn growth needs to be considered also.
Short-incision options–(when a “full face lift” is not needed)
At Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, LTD. we do offer short- or limited-incision face lift techniques that work (including some mini-lifts, MACS lifts, platysmaplasty, temporal lift, as well as cheek and chin implants), and we continue to evaluate and determine what can be safely and effectively done to reduce scars, healing time, or costs. Lots of surgeons call these “mini-lifts” and we do too (occasionally!) but you should realize that less is really less, and if you’re ready for a facelift and want the best, most natural, and longest lasting outcome, get a consultation and find out the facts. We don’t mind if you see us first or last; we simply want you to have the best surgery possible.
Recovery and Results
After face lift surgery you may have one or more tiny drain tubes placed to allow fluid or blood to escape from under the skin, helping the tissue glue give you a smoother, less-bruised result. A well-padded bandage will also help to support your face for a day or two. The bandage and tubes are removed by the second day in most cases, when our staff performs a complimentary hair wash and blow dry. After this, you will be fitted with a stylish elastic chin strap or jaw bra (Yeah!) to help reduce swelling. Head elevation and avoidance of strenuous activities is critical for two to three weeks after face lift surgery to minimize swelling or bleeding under the skin, which can compromise your results or require re-operation. All sutures are removed by the seventh to tenth day, and most patients are suitable for social contact by two weeks after surgery. Camouflage makeup is available at our skin and body care clinic (MAASC) across the hall from MPS and our surgical facility. Ultrasonic massage is also included in your care as needed (no additional charge), usually no sooner than 4-6 weeks post-op.
Of course, some swelling or residual bruising may take longer to resolve completely, and scars fade over time. Some numbness is normal, and sensation improves as healing progresses. This multi-layered approach to muscle layer and skin tightening (the “dual-plane” or SMAS facelift), as well as fatty tissue sculpture and volume restoration, gives a natural, youthful look that lasts as long as possible for each patient, and much longer than all of the “lunchtime lift” or “fast recovery” face lift techniques.
Since face lift surgery is real surgery, there are always risks and the potential for complications. All the years of experience mentioned above do not eliminate the need for care and individual attention to detail, nor do they guarantee a specific result. Since each individual varies in his or her anatomy, physical reactions, and healing abilities, outcomes are never completely predictable. Results are further affected by patient compliance with requirements and recommendations. Sleeping with the head elevated above heart level (a sofa cushion under your mattress works better than trying to stay elevated on two or more pillows) is important for 3 weeks after surgery. You must absolutely avoid aspirin or ibuprofen-containing medications, Aleve™, additional vitamin E (the amount in a daily multivitamin is acceptable), or herbal preparations of any kind for a full two weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery, as these can increase the risk of bleeding requiring re-operation. You must also completely avoid tobacco or nicotine, including gums, patches, vaping, or sprays, for two weeks prior to surgery, as even one cigarette or incident of exposure to secondhand smoke can cause loss of circulation, resulting in dead skin or prolonged dressing changes. In turn, these may necessitate skin grafting or additional surgery, and the chance of achieving the best possible cosmetic result will be lost. Facial nerve damage is very rare and usually temporary, as is infection. Most complications are minor, infrequent, and resolve over time with proper attention.
Fine lines around the mouth, eyes, or other facial areas can remain partially visible after surgical swelling subsides, and sun damage or skin surface irregularities are not helped by face lift improvement of the deeper tissues and skin. After everything heals, our plastic surgeons may recommend treatment of the topmost layers of your skin to further enhance your facial rejuvenation, and may discuss facial peel or laser resurfacing depending on your individual skin characteristics.
Our goal is to provide the most up-to-date, innovative, and proven techniques that will delight our face lift patients, whether they undergo face lift alone, or add forehead (brow) lifting, eyelid surgery, or rhinoplasty (nose surgery).
Cost of Face lift Surgery
A complete face lift/neck lift procedure at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery (without forehead lift or eyelid surgery) takes about 3½ – 4½ hours in our nationally-accredited (QUAD A, formerly AAAASF) on-site surgical facility. Total face lift costs, including professional fees, anesthesia, operating room, and all follow-up visits, range from $16,000-20,000. Longer procedures or anatomic variations will be higher. Male face lifts require additional time, surgical details, and more hemostasis (control of bleeding vessels), with costs starting around $19,000. Adding eyelid, forehead lift, or other procedures will increase operating time and fees accordingly. Total costs are dependent on each patient’s individual goals and anatomy, and the actual operative steps needed to come as close as possible to fulfilling these goals. Complimentary consultations are available with our American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeons, who have combined over 60 years of face lift surgery experience and who will tailor your facial surgery recommendations to your individual needs. Exact cost quotes are available at the time of complimentary consultation with our ABPS-certified plastic surgeons. Financing options are available.
Because of the high demand for free consultations with our plastic surgeons, our staff will ask for a credit card number in order to schedule a consultation; there is no charge whatsoever for appointments that are kept–you will be charged $100 only if you fail to keep a scheduled appointment, or fail to cancel at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment time–for Monday appointments, you must cancel no later than noon on the previous Thursday; for Tuesday appointments, you must cancel by noon on the previous Friday.
Please contact us for a complimentary, no-obligation facial rejuvenation, facelift, or other facial surgery consultation by our American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeons.