Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) - Case 2
Case Description
This woman was 48 years old when she first presented to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for liposuction of her upper arms. She was so pleased with this surgery that she returned to MPS two years later for ultrasonic liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and hips. This outcome was also excellent, and 18 months later she underwent facelift and forehead lift, followed by abdominoplasty 2 years later (age 53). During all of these years her weight remained stable at 138 pounds, with only genetics and age as the cause for her skin laxity. At age 57 she underwent revision of a previous breast reconstruction (performed elsewhere at age 36) here at MPS, followed by bilateral brachioplasty and upper back excision at age 59, also at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s accredited (AAAASF) office surgical facility, where she has had all of her operations since the late 1990’s. She continues to be a happy, energetic patient who has been thrilled by her surgeries, and recently underwent a second facelift at age 65.