Breast Augmentation - Case 82

Case Description
This 22 year old woman came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery after major weight loss caused her to also lose breast volume (she has not had children). She did not want the additional scars or cost of a breast lift, and sized with trial implants in the 492-575cc range, to which about 10-15% additional volume is added (if anatomically possible) to compensate for submuscular compression. Her breasts were also slightly different sizes. Since she chose large implants, adequate volume filled her loose breast skin quite nicely without breast lift. Her tissues allowed 533cc and 575cc implants in the right and left breasts, respectively, slightly smaller than her requested “look,” but within her chosen implant volumes when sizing. She underwent outpatient surgery in our accredited (AAAASF) surgical facility under TIVA anesthesia. Her after photos show her appearance 20 months post-op.