Breast Augmentation - Case 27

Case Description
This 32 year-old registered nurse from Rochester, Minnesota breast-fed all three of her children, following which she lost most of her breast volume and developed significant grade II ptosis (moderate breast droop) to borderline grade III ptosis (severe breast droop, where the nipple position is below the inframammary crease, requiring breast lift). Fortunately, she wished to restore breast volume to C-D cup size, allowing us to fill out her loose breast skin without the incisions, scars, and cost of a full or modified breast lift. She requested silicone gel implants (prior to the 1991 FDA restrictions), and had textured silicone gel with saline adjustable implants placed above the muscles (sub-mammary). She has remained soft and natural for the past 27 years. Her daughter recently underwent breast augmentation with the latest generation of cohesive silicone gel implants, also at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery.