Breast Augmentation - Case 62

Case Description
This 37 year old mother of 2 lost significant breast volume after breastfeeding, and had been told in other consultations she needed a breast lift plus implants to regain upper pole fullness. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, where examination and consultation with an ABPS-certified plastic surgeon informed her that augmentation alone could yield a satisfactory aesthetic restoration of breast volume without the scarring and cost of breast lift surgery (which she could add later as desired or necessary). She underwent submuscular cohesive silicone gel (often called gummy bear ) breast enlargement in an outpatient TIVA general anesthetic operation. After photos show her appearance 2 months post-op. Over the next year, her implants dropped further, losing some of the upper pole fullness she liked, so she later proceeded with exchange to larger implants (650cc L; 700cc R). No post-op photos have been taken for this latest procedure.