Breast Augmentation - Case 64

Case Description
This 23 year old woman is 5’9″ tall, weighs 127lbs., and desires larger breasts. She underwent outpatient breast enlargement at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s accredited (AAAASF) surgical facility under TIVA (Total IntraVenous Anesthesia) in an operation that took just under an hour. She chose cohesive silicone gel implants placed below her pec muscles, which coincided with our recommendation for the softest, most natural teardrop shape when upright, and a slightly flatter round shape when reclining, most accurately mimicking the movement of naturally larger breasts. She had a rapid recovery that allowed routine daily activities the next morning, and strenuous activities in 3-4 weeks. Her after photos show her results (with nearly invisible scars) at 2 years post-op.