Breast Augmentation - Case 33

Case Description
This 36 year-old mother of two desired improved breast fullness to deal with post-pregnancy sagging and loss of volume. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery because of our ABPS-certified plastic surgeons with extensive breast experience (combined over 40 years) and our nationally-accredited (AAAASF) office surgical facility with superb anesthesia providers. She had more droop in her right breast, compared to her perkier left breast. Outpatient breast augmentation was performed, using a 450cc cohesive silicone gel implant on her left side, and 400cc on the right. It took a full 4 months for implant position to be fully achieved on each side, but her final symmetry was judged to be excellent and she was thrilled with her new look.
Case Information
Individual results may vary.