Breast Augmentation - Case 34

Case Description
This 38 year-old mother of two breast-fed both of her babies, and developed significant loss of breast volume, particularly in the upper poles of her breasts (this is seen best in the oblique view pre-op photo). Though she had moderate grade II ptosis (droop), her nipples faced forward and were positioned above her inframammary crease, making her an appropriate candidate for breast enlargement with implants alone (as long as the requested implant size can adequately fill the loose, sagging breast skin). Fortunately, she sized with 397cc implants in a bra and stretchy top; this correlated to a use of 450cc implants in the operating room to achieve her goal “look” without needing breast lift of any kind. Her outpatient breast augmentation in Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s nationally-accredited (AAAASF) office surgical facility was completed in 45 minutes; after 1 hour in the recovery room, she was dressed, sipping a soda, and had visited the restroom on her way to her ride home. She returned to her (non-strenuous) desk job in 3 days.