Breast Augmentation - Case 52

Case Description
This 28 year old woman never had much breast development, and came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast enlargement with cohesive (“gummy bear”) silicone gel implants. She has not had children and has a petite frame. She underwent a one-hour TIVA (Total IntraVenous Anesthesia) completely asleep general anesthetic for her outpatient submuscular silicone implant placement in our nationally-accredited (AAAASF) on-site surgical facility. Because of the TIVA anesthetic, she rapidly awoke from surgery in our recovery room without nausea or vomiting, sipped a soda, got dressed, and visited the restroom before her discharge (all within one hour) to a family member who stayed with her the night of surgery. Her post-op photos show her appearance at 3 months. Scars will continue to fade over 6-12 months.