Breast Augmentation - Case 44

Case Description
This 34 year old woman wanted to restore breast fullness lost in breast feeding her 3 children. She requested submuscular smooth, round, cohesive silicone gel implants, but also requested that we correct her breast asymmetry as well. On examination this proved to be more due to chest wall (ribcage) asymmetry, but choosing implants of two different sizes and profiles gave her much improved symmetry. We chose a smaller, moderate profile implant for her larger right breast, and a larger, moderate plus (narrower base to better match the diameter of the smaller moderate profile opposite side) implant for the smaller left breast. The outcome was significantly-improved symmetry, and she was extremely happy with her results. Her outpatient breast augmentation took just under one hour, her recovery room experience was superior (no nausea or vomiting, dressed, sipping a soda prior to discharge), and she reported her post-op pain the next morning as 2 on a scale of 10.