Breast Augmentation - Case 36

Case Description
This 33 year old woman considered breast augmentation for many years, and consulted at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery on two occasions regarding this after being a patient here for other cosmetic concerns. She ultimately underwent submuscular augmentation with saline-filled implants during the time of FDA restriction on silicone gel implants (1991-2006). She had 300cc saline implants filled to 310cc, and loved her results for one year, after which she wanted larger implants. She underwent a second surgery to place 375cc saline implants filled to 400cc bilaterally, and did splendidly a second time, preserving nipple sensation, softness, and beautiful breast shape. 1 ½ years later she underwent facial surgery and liposuction of her torso and did well from these standpoints, but 4 months after this surgery developed moderate capsular contracture in both breasts. She also wanted bigger implants, and underwent capsulotomies and partial capsulectomies with placement of 600cc silicone gel implants. Her post-op photos show her appearance 2 ½ years after this most recent operation. She has remained soft and without concerns for the past 15 years.