Breast Augmentation - Case 85

Case Description
This 28 year old woman came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast enlargement. Her outpatient operation was performed under a light general (completely asleep) TIVA (total intravenous) anesthetic, which provides significantly less nausea and vomiting (2-3%) than typical hospital or hospital-run surgicenter inhalation (gas) anesthesia (7-28%). This higher nausea and vomiting rate often results in unplanned overnight admission (at the patient’s cost since this is elective cosmetic surgery). She spent an hour in our AAAASF-accredited surgical facility recovery room, and had a rapid, comfortable recovery and return to work and social activities. We feel it is better to provide a technically-superior, meticulous hemostasis operation with full-spectrum pain and nausea control rather than trademarking a gimmicky name like “Overnight Recovery,” “24 hour Recovery,” or “Flash Recovery” for our procedure as if there was some proprietary “secret” other than careful, skilled surgery. Her after photos show her appearance 3 months post-op.