Breast Augmentation - Case 54

Case Description
This 23 year old woman from North Dakota desired larger and more shapely breasts, but did not want an obvious, round, “fake” look. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast augmentation with cohesive silicone gel implants, and chose smooth round implants because they have a soft teardrop appearance when upright, and flatten and round out to the sides of her chest when reclining–significantly more natural and “anatomic” than form-stable teardrop-shaped textured implants. Her outpatient operation was performed in our nationally accredited (AAAASF) on-site office surgical facility under a light TIVA general anesthetic. She returned to her daily routine and traveled back to her home the next day, and resumed exercise and strenuous activities in 3-4 weeks. After photographs were taken 6 weeks post-op.