Breast Augmentation - Case 60

Case Description
This 26 year old mother of 3 came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast enlargement with cohesive silicone (“gummy bear”) implants. She wanted to restore and enhance her figure that she had worked so hard to maintain after childbirth. Outpatient surgery was performed in our nationally-accredited on-site office surgical facility, utilizing a light general anesthetic (TIVA: Total IntraVenous Anesthesia) administered by our CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) staff, who are present in the operating room for the entire 50 minute operation (not “supervising” from another room, as MDA’s–Medical Doctor Anesthesiologists–frequently do). She left our recovery room in an hour, returned to regular daily activities the following morning, and resumed more strenuous activities in 2-4 weeks. After photos are shown at 9 weeks post-op.