Breast Augmentation - Case 57

Case Description
This 41 year old mother of 3 lost nearly all of her breast volume after breast-feeding her babies, and wanted to restore breast size (or go slightly larger) than she was while nursing. She underwent outpatient breast augmentation in a less than one-hour operation at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s AAAASF accredited on-site surgical facility. Slight breast asymmetry was improved by using implants of two different sizes and profiles. Her TIVA general anesthesia allowed rapid wake-up without nausea or vomiting, and after an hour in our recovery room, she was discharged with full written instructions to a family member’s care. She returned the following morning for recheck, where she reported minimal discomfort well-controlled by her oral muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory medication, and pain pills, the latter of which she utilized minimally because of the long-acting local anesthetic placed into her implant pocket prior to closure. She returned to her regular activities in a day or two, and strenuous ones in 2-4 weeks. Post-op photos are shown at 4 months.