Breast Augmentation - Case 56

Case Description
This 54 year old woman had undergone gastric bypass, following which she lost over 100 lbs. and maintained that loss for 3 1/2 years. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for circumferential beltlift surgery, followed 2 months later by brachioplasty (upper arm lift). 2 months after her brachioplasty, she requested breast enlargement, and then 9 months later underwent medial thigh lift surgery. All of her 4 elective plastic surgical procedures (over 13 months) were outpatient operations performed under TIVA general anesthesia in Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s AAAASF accredited surgical facility. Breast data are to the right, and her breast post-op photos were taken at 6 months after surgery.
Case Information
Individual results may vary.