Breast Implant Revision - Case 4

Case Description
This 36 year old mother of one came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast augmentation consultation, but ultimately decided to have surgery from another plastic surgeon, and had axillary (armpit) incision breast augmentation with 421cc silicone gel implants. She chose surgery elsewhere because of the “quick recovery” offered by that surgeon. She also wanted somewhat larger implants, but was told 421cc were “as big as possible” via the axillary incision. She subsequently developed Baker 2 (out of 4, mild-moderate) capsular contracture on her left breast and came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for her revisionary surgery two years later, where capsulotomies and partial capsulectomies were performed to re-open and enlarge her pockets for the 575cc implants she requested. She stated that her recovery after surgery at MPS was even “easier” and “just as fast” as her failed “quick recovery” surgery elsewhere.