Breast Implant Revision - Case 1

Case Description
This 31 year-old woman’s initial goal was to correct size discrepancy and increase “perkiness” of her breasts, which were droopy and different sizes after breastfeeding two children. She underwent her first breast augmentation in Miami with 550cc saline implants for each breast. The result was breasts that were “way too large” (and still did not match in size), so her surgeon re-operated, removing some saline from her existing implants—operation number two; surgeon number one. She remained too large and still-asymmetrical, and now had extensive visible implant rippling, so she went to a second surgeon in Miami for her third operation. Smaller saline implants were placed and she had a partial (donut, periareolar, or Benelli) lift on her left breast and a modified vertical (“lollipop” or circumvertical) lift on her right. This resulted in the “Before” picture when she came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, where she was advised to undergo the procedure best suited to address her concerns (and which should have been recommended in the first place). Bilateral full Wise pattern (anchor) breast lifts were performed to remove her extensive old scars, and properly-sized, new cohesive silicone implants were placed bilaterally at the same operation (now her fourth operation by her third surgeon—but the first one at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery).