Breast Lift Plus Implants - Case 1

Case Description
This 33 year old women has breast fed two children. She has tuberous (constricted) breasts and requested a more uplifted breast position and restored breast volume. Bilateral full Wise (anchor) pattern mastopexy (breast lift) plus submuscular augmentation with 400cc cohesive silicone gel implants was performed at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery in our AAAASF-accredited outpatient surgical facility as an outpatient operation under a light general anesthetic (TIVA). This anesthetic technique allowed her to leave our recovery room alert, sipping a soda, comfortable, and without nausea, vomiting, or that bloated, nasty gassy smell that inhalation anesthetics frequently cause. After photos at 2 months post-op still show pink scars that will fade considerably over the next 6-10 months.