Breast Lift Plus Implants - Case 16

Case Description
This 37 year old woman felt her family was complete after two babies, and had always been bothered by her breast asymmetry that worsened after breastfeeding. She was unable to wear any bra, swimsuit, or blouse that fit well, but also had a genetic blood syndrome that caused increased blood clotting, making her cautious about elective surgery. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, where she underwent full (Wise or anchor pattern) breast lift plus cohesive silicone implant on her right breast, and submuscular augmentation only (significantly larger implant for improved symmetry) on her left breast. Post-operatively, her medial breast lift flap had healing difficulties (circulation impairment, possibly due to increased clotting) that responded well to dressings and office wound care. She underwent scar revision 11 months after her initial breast surgery. Her most recent photo shows her appearance one month after her scar revision.