Breast Lift Plus Implants - Case 14

Case Description
This 27 year old mother of 2 came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast enlargement with implants, but presented with breast deflation and droop significant enough to require mastopexy (breast lift) plus saline implants. (Surgery was during the FDA restrictions of 1991-2006). She did not want the scars associated with full Wise-pattern (anchor) breast lift, but did request smaller areolas, making her a good candidate for periareolar (donut) mastopexy. Though there is a slightly higher risk of capsular contracture with implants placed via this incision (through the breast tissue), she had Betadine irrigation, placement below the muscle, and did quite well without capsular contracture or other problem. She subsequently had two more children, and was last seen at MPS nearly 6 years later, still doing well from the standpoint of her breasts, but now considering full breast lift and exchange to cohesive silicone implants.