Breast Lift Plus Implants - Case 20

Case Description
This 23 year old woman disliked her breasts of unequal size, sagging of her left breast only, and mild tuberous anatomy (constricted/narrow breast bases, puffy areolas, wide cleavage, and short crease-to-nipple distances). Implants alone were inadequate to correct these concerns. Submuscular (dual plane) augmentation with 2 different sizes of cohesive silicone implants and modified periareolar mastopexy (breast lift using skin flaps around each areola with Goretex pursestring areola size reduction) gave her significant improvement in symmetry and a beautiful, natural result that will only improve over time as tissues heal and soften (particularly in the left breast). Her outpatient operation was performed under TIVA anesthesia in Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s accredited office surgical facility.