Calf Implants - Case 2

Case Description
This 43 year-old woman had left leg muscle wasting secondary to childhood polio and underwent left calf implant placement by another plastic surgeon. Only one implant was used, and after surgery the augmented calf was still too small, leaving significant residual asymmetry. 4 months later a larger (single) implant was placed after enlarging the pocket. By the time she came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery 8 years later, her implant edges were visible, and besides looking bad, were threatening to erode through the skin. Her single implant was removed and two calf implants placed into new sub-fascial pockets to more correctly simulate the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. Her after photos are shown at 6 weeks post-op; even better definition was achieved as the slight swelling resolved. Her scar (larger in revision cases) faded as well over 6-12 months.