Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) - Case 7

Case Description
This 52 year old woman came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery complaining of eyelids (upper and lower) that had “too much skin,” and felt this made her look stressed and tired. Eyebrow position was good (above the upper orbital rim), so she did not require forehead (brow) lift, only upper and lower blepharoplasties. This included reduction and repositioning of eyelid fat pads, as well as improving lid tone and removing excess skin of both upper and lower eyelids via incisions that are essentially invisible once healed and faded. The operation is done under TIVA anesthesia for rapid, no-nausea, no-hangover recovery. Avoidance of post-operative nausea and vomiting reduces bruising, swelling, and even bleeding that could lead to re-operation or blindness. These post-op photos are 15 months after surgery.