Laser Resurfacing - Case 4

Case Description
This woman was 40 years old when she first presented to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for information regarding multiple cosmetic concerns (face, chin, and body). She was not a facelift surgery candidate at that time, was not interested in eyelid or browlift surgery, and was hopeful that fat grafting or facial fillers could satisfactorily deal with the lines in her face that bothered her. Ultimately, she had no surgical procedure at that time, but returned at age 45, where her concerns remained much the same. She still did not wish eyelid, brow, or facelift surgery, but was interested in chin implant placement, full-face laser resurfacing, and lip enlargement, all of which were performed in a 2 ½ hour outpatient operation in our AAAASF-accredited in-office surgical facility under TIVA anesthesia. Her AFTER photos show her appearance at 5 ½ weeks post-op.