Lower Body Lift (Beltlift) - Case 1

Case Description
This 54 year old patient had previously undergone gastric bypass, after which she lost over 100 lbs. and kept it off for 4 years, going from 245 lbs. to 140 lbs. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for removal of the loose skin of her abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks via circumferential tummy tuck (also known as lower body lift, circumferential beltlift, torsoplasty, or dermolipectomy). She had over 8 lbs. of “deflated” skin and fat removed in a 6 hour outpatient operation in our accredited (AAAASF) surgical facility. Due in part to our TIVA anesthesia expertise, she woke up without nausea or vomiting, and was dressed, sipping a soda, and up to the restroom, after which she was discharged home to an adult caregiver in an hour and a half. She did so well she later returned for separate upper arm lift, breast augmentation, and thigh lift operations, all at MPS.