Lower Body Lift (Beltlift) - Case 7

Case Description
This 39 year-old woman lost almost 100 lbs. after gastric bypass 1 1/2 years previously, and came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery first for full breast lift plus implants. She had that surgery and was thrilled with her results; 3 months later she underwent circumferential belt lift (lower body lift) in our AAAASF-accredited office surgical facility. Over 8 lbs. of skin and fat were removed in a 6 hour outpatient operation, after which she went home for her recovery. Subsequent to these procedures, she underwent medial thigh lift and ultrasonic liposuction of several areas; 3 months after that she had upper and lower lid blepharoplasties, and lip enlargement. She was last seen for facial laser surgery and leg spider vein treatment. Return patients are testament to the outstanding care our nursing and office staffs give to our surgical patients. (We think good surgery helps a bit too!)