Lower Body Lift (Beltlift) - Case 5

Case Description
This 62 year-old gentleman lost over 110 lbs. after gastric bypass two years previously. He had a history of heart disease requiring cardiac stent, and abnormal heart rhythm necessitating blood thinners, but had passed a stress test and his cardiologist’s thorough review prior to his planned surgery at MPS. He underwent full circumferential beltlift and abdominoplasty, including muscle repair and umbilical hernia repair, as an outpatient operation at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery’s accredited in-office surgical facility. He had 14.0 lbs. of skin and fat removed and 4 layers of underneath-the-skin (not needing removal) sutures in 5 1/2 hours. His blood thinners were restarted after surgery and he did quite well and healed uneventfully. No touch-up or revisionary surgery was necessary, and his scars faded over 6-12 months. Note the improvement in the buttock and inner thighs with beltlift alone.