Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) - Case 1
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![After (3 months post-op)]( )
![Before]( )
![After (3 months post-op)]( )
Case Description
This 29 year-old businessman came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for gynecomastia surgery (also known as gyno surgery). He is physically fit, works out regularly, and his breast tissues do not fluctuate with weight gain or loss. He does not have testicular or other hormone-producing tumor, and does not use steroids or take medications that can cause male breast growth. He does not use marijuana (can cause male breast enlargement). His breast enlargement has persisted since puberty, the most common form of male breast growth, and consists of mostly fibrous glandular tissue not suitable for liposuction, but still appropriate for periareolar (keyhole incision around the nipple area) excision, which leaves a nearly invisible scar. His outpatient operation took about 2 hours, and he was back to everyday activities the next day, and workouts in 3-4 weeks.