Mommy Makeover - Case 3

Case Description
This 41 year old mother of 1 (delivery via C-section) came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery from Wisconsin upon referral by a friend, wanting to restore her sagging breasts and stretched abdomen from the effects of childbearing, along with liposuction of the hips, medial thighs, and medial knee areas. She underwent a 5½ hour outpatient operation–full Wise (anchor) pattern breast lift, abdominoplasty plus muscle repair, and liposuction of her hips, medial thighs, and knees–in our nationally accredited (AAAASF) on site surgical facility under TIVA (Total IntraVenous Anesthesia). She spent one hour in our recovery room, after which she was discharged alert and not nauseated (typical hospital inhalation (gas) anesthesia has an up to 30% nausea and vomiting rate).