Transgender (M-F) Breast Augmentation - Case 3

Case Description
This 68 year-old M to F transgender patient spoke with the staff at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery several times over the years during her transition, and at the time of evaluation for breast enlargement, had been on hormone therapy for over a year with minimal breast growth. Her medical history was significant for cardiac rhythm problems for which an implanted ICD was placed over her left ribcage. Despite her age and heart concerns, she came to MPS cleared for surgery by her cardiologist, and subsequently underwent single-stage breast implant placement in our nationally accredited (AAAASF) office surgical facility under a light general (TIVA) anesthetic given by our superb head of anesthesia (former Mayo cardiac CRNA). A Medtronic technician was present to verify proper function of her ICD during and after surgery, which proceeded uneventfully. 6 months later, she underwent genital surgery (elsewhere), and shortly after that returned to MPS for larger breast implants. She is now “the happiest I have been my whole life.”