Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) - Case 6

Case Description
This 39 year-old woman has had 4 babies with two pregnancies, having triplets her second time. In addition to her loose, stretched abdominal skin and muscles, she has a C-section scar, and an ugly retracted appendectomy scar that distorts her lower right abdomen. She underwent abdominoplasty at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery as an outpatient operation. A previously-undiagnosed ventral hernia was repaired during her cosmetic surgery (both MPS plastic surgeons were fully-trained Board-certified general surgeons prior to their complete plastic surgery training and certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery). Her tiny umbilical stitches were removed at one week from surgery, and her drain was out by the 10th post-op day. Her scars will fade over 6-12 months.