Breast Augmentation - Case 83

Case Description
This 26 year old woman wanted fuller and more shapely breasts, and came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for breast enlargement with the latest Inspira cohesive silicone gel implants. These implants are more completely filled, for less rippling in thin patients with minimal breast tissue coverage. She had outpatient surgery with a light general TIVA anesthetic in our accredited (AAAASF), recovered rapidly and comfortably without nausea or vomiting, and returned to (non-strenuous) work in several days. Her after photos are at 4 months post-op. Note how properly-positioned crease incisions are not at the pre-op crease location, but closer to the “new” slightly lower crease position, as well as below the full parts of each breast centrally rather than laterally (sometimes showing at the side in certain bras or swim tops).