Breast Lift Plus Implants - Case 7

Case Description
This 22 year-old woman was heavy as a teenager but has changed her eating habits and activity levels, and notes that as she has lost weight, her breasts have lost volume and developed droop. Her grade 3 (severe) breast ptosis required elevation of her nipples by 5-6cm (over 2 inches) via full Wise-pattern (anchor) mastopexy, performed in a single-stage outpatient operation at Minneapolis Plastic Surgery in our accredited office surgical facility. She requested saline-filled implants because she felt they would give her a high, round “fake” look she found attractive, despite being advised that this was more a function of placement above the muscle and development of capsular contracture. She was not aware that this “look” due to capsular contracture was also frequently accompanied by unnatural firmness, and therefore agreed to submuscular placement to minimize the risk of capsular contracture while maintaining softness and a more normal feel of her breasts.