Laser Resurfacing - Case 3

Case Description
This 62 year-old woman came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for facial “wrinkle removal” via laser. Although she did have some laxity in the neck and lower face skin, her main concerns were her lines and wrinkles, and she was hoping to delay the need for facelift surgery. She underwent full-face laser resurfacing under a light general anesthetic in our office surgical facility, and had uneventful healing in just a week. Though pink at three weeks post-laser, normal makeup and sunscreen allowed her to return to her usual social activities. Only one laser operation (with our third-generation Derma-K dual wavelength resurfacing laser) was needed, compared to the 3 or more procedures usually recommended for fractional laser procedures, and the results are superior. She was so pleased she returned several months later for treatment (via different laser) of the sunspots on her hands and arms.