Transgender (F-M) Mastectomy ("Top Surgery") - Case 17

Case Description
This 23 year old F to M transgender patient has lived full-time as a male for 2 years, has been on Testosterone therapy for 15 months, and came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery for “top surgery’ because of our over three decades of experience with non-genital transgender surgery. He was a smoker, and stopped all nicotine use and even second-hand smoke exposure at least two weeks prior to surgery to minimize potential for healing difficulties with the mastectomy flaps and nipple skin grafts. He had outpatient surgery that took under 4 hours, left our recovery room in an hour, and had drains and skin graft dressings removed at 9 days post-op. He resumed showering at 3 1/2 weeks post-op, and more strenuous activity a week after that.
Case Information
Individual results may vary.