Transgender (M-F) Breast Augmentation - Case 5

Case Description
This patient is a 26 year old male-female transgender patient who has been on female hormones for nearly 2 years, and has lived full-time as a female for the past year. She has also successfully maintained a 100 pound weight loss, and would like fuller breasts. She came to Minneapolis Plastic Surgery because of our 30-year history of experience and expertise in transgender breast augmentation (as well as top surgery for F-M patients). She had adequate skin and muscle laxity for single-stage breast augmentation (no tissue expanders necessary). She underwent submuscular augmentation with 485cc cohesive silicone gel implants in a one-hour outpatient operation under TIVA anesthesia in MPS’ nationally-accredited (AAAASF) on-site surgical facility. Her post-op photos at 6 weeks still show pink scars, which will fade to near-invisibility in her creases over the next 6-12 months.